The relief of quitting the right way

As a parent, it can be hard to watch our children make tough decisions, especially when it comes to activities that they are passionate about. Recently, my daughter made the difficult choice to quit figure skating, a sport that she had been participating in for several years.

Before making this decision, we had several discussions about her feelings towards figure skating and what other interests she might have. It was important to us that this was a well thought-out and informed decision, rather than a rash choice made in the heat of the moment.

Ultimately, my daughter came to the conclusion that she was ready to move on from figure skating and try something new. She had been feeling burnt out and was no longer finding the same joy in the sport that she once did.

To help her transition away from figure skating, we made sure to find a replacement activity that she was excited about. For my daughter, this was functional fitness. She had always enjoyed being active and was eager to try out this new form of exercise.

Once we had a plan in place, it was important to inform her figure skating coaches of her decision and to do so in a way that was respectful and considerate. We made it clear that this was a personal decision based on my daughter’s feelings and not a reflection on their coaching or the program itself.

After quitting figure skating, we debriefed with my daughter to see how she was feeling. I was happy to see that she was feeling a sense of relief and excitement about her new activity. It was clear that this was the right decision for her at this time.

As a parent, it can be tough to let go and allow our children to make their own choices, even when those choices may be difficult or different from what we had hoped for. However, it’s important to trust in our children’s ability to make the right decisions for themselves and to support them in pursuing their passions and interests.

In the end, my daughter’s decision to quit figure skating was the right one for her. She is now happily participating in functional fitness and finding joy in this new activity. While it was a tough choice to make, it was ultimately a positive one that has allowed her to grow and move on to new and exciting experiences.