Dealing with Low-Effort Hockey Game

As a parent, it’s natural to want your kids to excel in everything they do, including sports. However, sometimes, you may find yourself frustrated with your child’s lack of effort during a hockey game. It can be challenging to know how to handle this situation without causing your child to lose interest in the sport altogether. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some strategies for dealing with a low-effort hockey game from your child while keeping them motivated and engaged.

Understanding the root cause

The first step in dealing with a low-effort hockey game from your child is to understand the root cause. Several reasons could lead to your child’s lack of effort during a game, such as being tired, bored, or distracted. It could also be a sign of a more significant issue, such as not enjoying the sport, feeling anxious or intimidated, or dealing with a personal issue.

Create a positive environment

Creating a positive environment is essential to keep your child motivated and engaged in hockey. Start by talking to your child about their interests and goals in hockey. Encourage them to set achievable goals and celebrate their successes, no matter how small. Let them know that you’re proud of their efforts and that you’re there to support them.

Focus on fun

It’s important to remember that hockey is a game, and games should be fun. If your child is not enjoying hockey, it’s essential to find out why and work on making it enjoyable for them. Encourage your child to participate in fun hockey drills or try playing in different positions. Provide them with positive feedback and encourage them to have fun, even if they don’t win.

Addressing the issue

If you believe that your child’s lack of effort is due to a more significant issue, it’s crucial to address it. Speak with your child about what’s bothering them and help them work through any personal issues they may be dealing with. If your child is experiencing anxiety or other mental health issues, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor.

Encouraging hard work

Encouraging hard work is an essential part of keeping your child motivated and engaged in hockey. Let your child know that you value hard work and effort, even if they don’t always win. Encourage them to set goals, work hard, and celebrate their successes. Providing your child with positive feedback will help them feel motivated and engaged in the sport.


In conclusion, dealing with a low-effort hockey game from your child can be challenging, but it’s essential to remember that hockey should be fun. Understanding the root cause of the issue, creating a positive environment, focusing on fun, addressing any underlying issues, and encouraging hard work are all strategies that can help keep your child motivated and engaged in hockey. By using these strategies, you can help your child enjoy the game of hockey and continue to develop their skills and love for the sport.